I answered an ad recently on Craigslist by a massage therapist offering very good prices on massages. Based on the name, I actually thought that the therapist was a woman, but when I arrived he turned out to be a male. I didn't have a problem with that, until I stripped down and he started massaging me. He had me remove all of my clothes for the massage; again, since the therapist was another guy, I wasn't too shy to be naked and was used to this from my experience in sports teams and locker rooms.
But when he started massing me, I developed a full erection. It started when he massaged the soles of my feet and by the time he had me turn around on my back, I was fully erect. Worst of all--there was a wet spot on the top of my penis and this prec*um went on his hands while he massaged my abdomen. He seemed a little ticked off at this point and he actually grabbed my erect penis with one hand tugged on it roughly, noting in a sarcastic voice: "might as well get all of it out, before you get your spunk all over my place. I'll wear rubber gloves next time." I felt so horrible and ashamed after this.
But when he started massing me, I developed a full erection. It started when he massaged the soles of my feet and by the time he had me turn around on my back, I was fully erect. Worst of all--there was a wet spot on the top of my penis and this prec*um went on his hands while he massaged my abdomen. He seemed a little ticked off at this point and he actually grabbed my erect penis with one hand tugged on it roughly, noting in a sarcastic voice: "might as well get all of it out, before you get your spunk all over my place. I'll wear rubber gloves next time." I felt so horrible and ashamed after this.