I saw a picture of a horse getting a massage and it got me thinking of getting my horse a massage. We are in training to show this summer in jumpers, possibly hunters and such. Now that I started thinking about it, she does seem a little stiff. Do you think its worth getting her a massage? Have you ever gotten your horse a massage, or any stories you'd like to share?
Here is the only place I know of around where I live. Does it look good/bad? Opinions?
On average, how much is a massage? I know it probably varies, but I want an average guess since I don't have a clue.
So I guess this really isn't a question, just more an opinion and such. Haha, I probably don't make any sense on what i'm asking.
Here is the only place I know of around where I live. Does it look good/bad? Opinions?
On average, how much is a massage? I know it probably varies, but I want an average guess since I don't have a clue.
So I guess this really isn't a question, just more an opinion and such. Haha, I probably don't make any sense on what i'm asking.