"20 yo guy" Really? Cause I'm 512 years old. Or 3 years old. Or a woman. Or a horse. People lie on the internet, dear.
"He looks like a model" Really? Cause I can send you any number of pictures I've downloaded of really hot models, both male and female, and none of which look fat and old like I really do.
"he wants me to come to house" ABSOLUTELY NOT! The first rule of dating is to meet in a public place, like a coffeeshop or bookstore. AND tell people where you are going. Many people have been killed for trusting the wrong person and going off with them.
I know you're 14 and the attention feels nice. But a 20 year old seeking contact with a 14 year old isn't just legally wrong, it is highly morally suspect. 20 year olds should be interested in college age kids, not middle or high school. Ever see the series "To Catch a Predator"? I think you're in exactly that situtation.