no . you should isolate those new fishes before intro to you main display tank .
reason 1- many parasite have a stage in their life cycle involving dropping into the ground. the common fresh water white spot parasite will drop to the bottom of the tank if expose to parasite treatment .
marine white spot will change to a cycst( not sure the spelling ) and majority will drop to the ground ( some will stick to the body )
reason 2- it is difficult to dose the correct amount if you have landscape or other stuff that will displace you water.
reason 3- if the new fishes are positive of parasite , once in your main tank and you cant get rid/killed the parasite , the parasite will stay in your tank.
always have your new fish quarantine in a different tank and simple tank.
proper procedure of qurantine , must do a full water change with new medication after you feed the fish every once a day . repeat the process for 3-5 day for freshwater fishes and almost a week for marine. all depends on temperature and type of medication.