I visited a semi-legit spa I frequent tonight, where I've seen a handful of ladies. I booked an appointment with one I had never seen because my regular was not there. Everything was fine with the massage, but afterwards I handed her the same amount I always pay for basic at this place (and everywhere else), and she looked happy, then maybe not happy and then she pulled out her phone. I was like "ok here she comes, she's going to translate some version of it's not enough". She scrolls her phone for a while and then shows me a phone number and says "number?", and it was not my number. I said no and then she immediately just said "water" and gave me a bottle and sent me on my way. I walked out like "wtf just happened?". Apologies for wasting your time if you don't give a shit about this super interesting story. It was just weird and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts. I mean it would not have been hard to find my number/messages in their phone.