Sans Culture, Old School
I have been a hairdresser for 25 years, working in both salons and on a mobile basis.
I am also a qualified holistic therapist and have been qualified for8 years.
I am also qualified in beauty therapy.
Anyway cutting a Very long story short, i am working in a hairdressing salon at the momet , and hate it with a passion.
My hubby has been made redundant, after months of being on short time. Hence the reason why I am working in a salon. I took this job to get a regular guaranteed income.
6 months later I am still working in the salon, but I am so so so unhappy its untrue.
My heart and passion is with holistic therapy, but in reality it s not a guaranteed income.
I am earning a pittance, and astylist has left, so that just leaves me and the owner of the salon. I am working twice as hard (and it is a very busy little shop) for just a few pennies over the mininum wage. I have all this experience under my belt, and qualifications, and I am working there. I can't believe it.
If I leave , even though I am earning rubbish money, we probably wont be able to afford to eat.
The ids have just broke up for the 6 wks hols and hubby has landed a job on nights. He starts on Tuesday.
He thinks he can work all night , come home , look after thekids till I finish work at 3 oclock, then go to bed, get up, and go to work.
It just wont work in my opinion,. I cant afford to pack the job in, and have no childcare.
What do you think? Should I pack in the dead end job, and look after my kids, or risk my hubby looking after them and going to sleep????
I have no parents, or anyone who could look after them.
WEhat I really want to do is mobile hair and mobile treatments, but it will take too long to build up. I need the money now.
I am so sorry if I have wittled on and on, but I treally need some advice.
Thanks for listening. x
I am also a qualified holistic therapist and have been qualified for8 years.
I am also qualified in beauty therapy.
Anyway cutting a Very long story short, i am working in a hairdressing salon at the momet , and hate it with a passion.
My hubby has been made redundant, after months of being on short time. Hence the reason why I am working in a salon. I took this job to get a regular guaranteed income.
6 months later I am still working in the salon, but I am so so so unhappy its untrue.
My heart and passion is with holistic therapy, but in reality it s not a guaranteed income.
I am earning a pittance, and astylist has left, so that just leaves me and the owner of the salon. I am working twice as hard (and it is a very busy little shop) for just a few pennies over the mininum wage. I have all this experience under my belt, and qualifications, and I am working there. I can't believe it.
If I leave , even though I am earning rubbish money, we probably wont be able to afford to eat.
The ids have just broke up for the 6 wks hols and hubby has landed a job on nights. He starts on Tuesday.
He thinks he can work all night , come home , look after thekids till I finish work at 3 oclock, then go to bed, get up, and go to work.
It just wont work in my opinion,. I cant afford to pack the job in, and have no childcare.
What do you think? Should I pack in the dead end job, and look after my kids, or risk my hubby looking after them and going to sleep????
I have no parents, or anyone who could look after them.
WEhat I really want to do is mobile hair and mobile treatments, but it will take too long to build up. I need the money now.
I am so sorry if I have wittled on and on, but I treally need some advice.
Thanks for listening. x