13 Nov 2010, I decided to check out the Dolce Vita bar for a second time. I stopped in early about 9:30 at night. The club was nearly empty of customers. A large selection of dark haired Romanian girls and a few blacks were sitting around the bar (20-30 at a guess). After checking out the bar I picked the girl who I found most attractive and offered to buy her a drink. She tells me it will cost 20 euro (scam #1), I ask her why it costs 10 Euro more today than it did yesterday for a wiskey and coke? I tell her I will buy her a 10 Euro drink if she wants or I can find a new girl that wants a 10 Euro drink. We sit down at a table but not before she drags a friend along with her. Before the friend can sit down and ask me for a drink I tell her nicely that I only talk to one woman at a time (scam #2). After exchanging names the girl I am with, she asks me to buy the 30 Euro drink required to sit in the curtained off booths. I ask her what will happen behind the curtains and she told me strip and touch with no sex or oral possible. I told her that did not sound like very much fun to me. She countered with if I buy two 30 Euro drinks she will give me her phone number and give me free sex at her house tomorrow (scam #3). I told her I would take her number and we could come to some agreement upon meeting. The girl was not interested in this proposal and told me I did not know how this bar worked. Sadly, I was well aware of how the girls in this bar worked. Total time in bar 15 minutes average scam rate 1 every 5 minutes. On the up side the red light district is looking good with prices from 30-50 Euros. Still no luck finding any asian girls.