I just added the steamy wonder to my spa menu (it's only been a few weeks). There is a huge amount of interest in both the steam itself and all of the spa packages that can be offered with it. As a therapist, I am in love with it. The steam canopy makes spa treatments so easy and there is not a huge mess. I am not sure how profitable it will be, but I can tell you that I have been talking it up for months now to generate more of an interest. Also, I have completely revamped my menu to include most of the spa treatments that come in the steamy wonder treatment manual. The only problem clients have mentioned is that all the treatments sound so yummy they don't know where to start.
I am offering a complimentary steam session to every client who purchases a 60 or 90 minute massage between now and December 31 and I have created Holiday Packages that include steamy wonder treatments. So, I hope that it will pay for itself soon. It it does, I intend to buy another one so we can do two treatments at once.