A Very Special Month for the Nordic Countries
For those of you who have Nordic clients or live in in states like Minnesota or North Dakota where lots Nordic immigrants settled, here are some important dates in June:
June 4th Pentecost Sunday (Called "Pinsedag" in Norwegian) It is the Sunday seven weeks after Easter and is a Norwegian National Flag Day and the Monday after is a holiday in Norway. I believe it is also celebrated in all of the other Nordic countries (Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland, but I'm not sure if in all of those countries the Monday after is a holiday.)
June 5th Denmark's National Day
June 6th Sweden's National Day
June 7th 101st anniversary of Norway's Independence from Sweden (not a holiday, but a National Flag Day - I was actually in Oslo on the 100th anniversary last year and got interviewed by TV Norway (Norge) and even made it on the 6 PM evening news. 8) Donald Rumsfeld was visiting Stavanger on the west coast that day and the interview with me was longer than the interview with him...
: )
June 14th I thought I should mention too that this is Flag Day in the U.S.
June 17th Iceland's National Day
June 23rd Midsummer Eve (Biggest celebrations are in Sweden and Norway)
So as you can see June is a very special month to be in the Nordic region and I feel very fortunate to have spent the entire month of June in Norway last year.