Just got back. This is about the closest thing you will find to a legitimate massage, with a happy endijng. The nice Asian lady rubbed out all the knots in my back, nice bumb rub, and legs as well. $60 for the rub, well worth it.
Additional $40 for the extra. Bad location, as is very busy, but will likely repeat! Also, have never showered at a parlour before, I did here. The shower had two spouts opposite the normal shower head. One was chest high and the other was pecker high. It was different that's for sure.
4465 Sheppard Ave. E
Additional $40 for the extra. Bad location, as is very busy, but will likely repeat! Also, have never showered at a parlour before, I did here. The shower had two spouts opposite the normal shower head. One was chest high and the other was pecker high. It was different that's for sure.
4465 Sheppard Ave. E