person and WHY? SOOOOOOOOO BACK in the days, during uni, a (very pretty) muslims girl called me from across the lab table while she was with her somewhat pretty iranian friend and said to me
"Hey, exc.." and AS SOON as she said that midway in her sentence I said:
I found it funny, her Iranian friend found it HILLARIOUS ! she nearly died laughing but the girl was red faced

What about you ?
@Hope - I thought someone would remeber it LOOOOL
its still funny though !
@Hope - I thought someone would remeber it LOOOOL
its still funny though !
"Hey, exc.." and AS SOON as she said that midway in her sentence I said:
I found it funny, her Iranian friend found it HILLARIOUS ! she nearly died laughing but the girl was red faced

What about you ?
@Hope - I thought someone would remeber it LOOOOL
its still funny though !
@Hope - I thought someone would remeber it LOOOOL
its still funny though !