Yesterday I had a client who works with the symphony. He was in a lot of pain and I was able to help him. Last night was one of those moments when it really hit me why I do this. This man was so grateful for my help.
While waiting for his taxi back to the hotel we had a conversation about musicians and massage. He said that lots of musicians play in pain. He went on to explain that some progressive orchestras have MTs on staff. He is not from the USA, so this could be in other countries.
Does anyone here work directly with their symphony orchestra? I am considering marketing to them. I just dont want to "bite off more than I can chew" since massage is still a part-time career for me.
While waiting for his taxi back to the hotel we had a conversation about musicians and massage. He said that lots of musicians play in pain. He went on to explain that some progressive orchestras have MTs on staff. He is not from the USA, so this could be in other countries.
Does anyone here work directly with their symphony orchestra? I am considering marketing to them. I just dont want to "bite off more than I can chew" since massage is still a part-time career for me.