Tax/Income Question?
I was under the impression that you could report your tuition and books... Last year I was in college for a semester, and even though I had a Pell Grant that covered everything (hehehe, I'm a military vet, long story) I was still able to report the cost of my tuition and books and got about 70% of it back. I was an employee then of course, so I was filing a different form, but it wasn't 'continuing education' for my career either.I was looking through my receipts and costs that I've put into my business this year, and sadly I've spent more than I've earned. Keeping in mind cost of tuition, table, standard starting costs, office supplies etc. But being as I spent about $600 on my table (got a great bargain), should I mark that off in whole? or ... the other word, meaning it gets worn over years? (I had the word in mind when I started this paragraph, but now it excapes me)