Caroline Johnson and Len Whitebear discuss Aromatherapy options.
Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils isn’t something new. Even Cleopatra dabbled in various oils, milks, etc. to retain her youth. So the seminar given by Len Whitebear at the Center for Energetic Healing was quite informative. She covered the historical highlights of aromatherapy, most common uses of essential oils, including how and why they work.
Len explained the essential oils and did a treatment on volunteer Caroline Johnson. Since Len is focusing on Hand Treatments at the Center for Energetic Healing, she explained how the essential oil was used in a carrier, about the topical application, and explained that the touch and knowledge is extremely important when applying the oils.
Len has completed the Foundation Course in Aromatherapy with Sedona Aromatherapie which is an Approved School Educator for National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. She has studied Topical Skin Care Basics, Frankincense and Myrrh, Stress Reduction and Insomnia Winning Strategies Using Essential Oils with Nectar Apothecary.
Since there is always something new, her current coursework is
Advanced Aromatic Chemistry, Essential Oil Blending by Chemical Families, and “Essential Oils in Colour: The Caddy Profiles” A Course by Rosemary Caddy. As previously stated, application is as important as the oil itself.
Many essential oils are; analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, have calming properties and help relieve pain. You can almost state there is “something for everyone.” And Len has the knowledge of which one will work best for you.
You can make an appointment by calling the Center for Energetic Healing at 928-713-3782. All personal sessions will be held at the Center for Energetic Healing at 16148 S. Cordes Lakes Drive.