I saw my all-time-favourite massage lady Lucy again this week, and was mighty surprised at how tiny she now is. There was a (Positive!) review a whle ago that referred to her as "nearly bbw" and it may have accelerated her desire to get in shape. While I have always thought she looked good, I was mighty impressed at her slimness; my own efforts at losing weight require a level of dedication that I don't seem to possess. She told me she is now at her goal, and is sure she will have no problem maintaining it.
Her services are as delightful as ever, and she definitely insists on a proper viewing of her newly achieved assets during the proceedings. I most certainly advise you to see for yourself.
There is plenty of contact information in the various threads about her in this section of the site, or you can google lucys massage in Victoria for her website -- which she will now need to update, now that I look at it again....
Her services are as delightful as ever, and she definitely insists on a proper viewing of her newly achieved assets during the proceedings. I most certainly advise you to see for yourself.
There is plenty of contact information in the various threads about her in this section of the site, or you can google lucys massage in Victoria for her website -- which she will now need to update, now that I look at it again....