Themes & Ideas for JOTW.
well the rules when it started are pretty straight foward, the first thread was made for people to submit jokes, themed if stated, and then the poll (private poll) was made with the participents names, and the joke they sumbitted was in the first post.
there was no rule on swears or inappropriate content in the jokes, pretty much the sicker the better i think, but maybe there should be some kind of warning.
also people had the link to the voting poll in their sigs the first few weeks, that seemed to get peoples attention. some of the old polls had dozens of votes, now its down to a couple.
and for themes i think whatever holiday is that week, like st. patties/irish jokes this week would be cool.
and i really did mean to vote for you in this weeks poll, so now that youre in charge you can count my vote the way i meant it.