For One Month Only *** NEW PROMOTION*** At Dream Makers !!!
Only massageplanet Members Apply: June 21st-July 21st
- Monday-Saturday each week we will be giving ballots to every member who calls in and books an appointment (hour or half hour)
- You must give your **** handle in order to be correctly entered into the draw
- Every time you book an appointment you will receive an additional ballot
We will announce the winner of the contest on Sunday evening of every week on our Post for Mondays Line-up!!! Winner will receive a free session with whom ever they choose. The amount of time you win is based on the amount of time that was booked initially.
First Winner : SloCumHeat, one hour FREE session
Only massageplanet Members Apply: June 21st-July 21st
- Monday-Saturday each week we will be giving ballots to every member who calls in and books an appointment (hour or half hour)
- You must give your **** handle in order to be correctly entered into the draw
- Every time you book an appointment you will receive an additional ballot
We will announce the winner of the contest on Sunday evening of every week on our Post for Mondays Line-up!!! Winner will receive a free session with whom ever they choose. The amount of time you win is based on the amount of time that was booked initially.
First Winner : SloCumHeat, one hour FREE session