Alright theres a Blond, a Brunette, and a Redhead. Like most crazy chicks do, they go to Mexico, get drunk, and wake up in a jail cell. They're all sceduled for the death penalty by electric chair. When the Brunette goes up, they ask her if she has any last words. She says, "I am from the Oklahoma Institute of Religon, and God will send me to a higher place." So they flick the switch but nothing happens. They think God doesn't want her to die yet, so they let her go. The Redhead goes up and says, "I am from the Oklahoma Institute of Law, and everyone is innocent until proven guilty." They flick the switch, and still nothing happens. They think the Law doesn't want her to die, so they let her go on her way. The Blond goes up and says, "I am from the Oklahoma Institute of Electric Enginerring, and you ain't gonna shock no one if you don't plug in that cord right there."
Meanwhile, in Oklahoma, the three womens sister's hear of this, so they go down to Mexico and get caught trying to find the other three. They have the death penalty for Firing Squad. So the dudes with the guns say, "Ready.....Aim......" And the Brunette's sister says, "EARTHQUAKE!!!" So they all duck for cover, and when they look back only the Redhead and the Blond's sister's remain. So they say again, "Ready.....Aim....." And the Redhead's sister says, "VOLCANO!!!" so they all duck for cover again and the Redhead's sister is gone. Unfortanetly, the Blond's sister is also a Blond, so when the Firing Squad says "Ready........Aim....." She screams, "FIIIIIIRE!!!!!!!!"
(Please hit me back with comments of this joke.) Lolz.