So I was thinking on the drive home last night after a couple of pops that I was feeling a little devilish. Part of me wanted to stop in to check out the SC scene in post smoking era. Got me to thinking - there goes $100. Giving that I was downtown east figured that would be a waste. Figured I would just go home and lose $10 on viewer's choice. But then I find myself on the Danforth. After a few months hobbying hiatus I got to thinking about Fuzzy Thumper's recent forays and thought why not give it a shot. Like I said - Thumper made me do it.
Stopped at old reliable - Bella - at about midnight. Expected to find the doors locked but voila - in I walked. Greeted by two statuesque woman. One appeared latino and I did not get her name because the friendlier girl - Bunny caught my attention immediately. As we all know the lighting and the nervousness of the moment often clouds judgement and we often do not know what the looks are like until you are into your session. At that moment I guessed Bunny to be about 5'6" or so with a large frame but not fat. It was her smile and personality that got me in the room.
She began the session without demanding the door fee, though I left if on the table. She immediately struck up a good conversation while she provided basic but ok massage. Did not mind as I was enjoying the chat. This may put others off but at this point the whole session just felt comfortable. Realizing how long we had been talking she decided she better get down to business. Asked me what I wanted and I told her I only had $100 total. No problem she exclaimed and told me we would partake in BS. Once naked I began to massage her back. Upon doing so she told me to get up and that it was her turn for massage. I have never had the NR but I am not deficient in the art of massage so to speak. Bunny was very, very impressed and taken with my work. So much so I could sense the heat of session increasing. By far the best connection I have ever had with an MPA. She flipped over to revealing her absolutely beautiful friends whom I enjoyed for some time. She decided based on my work that I would get the special finish. Indeed this too was my first without the basic HJ.
In the end I had fantastic time and it seems the feeling was mutual. We lost track of time, but I think we were in the 45min to 1 hr range. Bunny gets high marks on personality, is statuesque without being too big, uses all of her assets well. She has alot of tattoo work around her stomach and back in case that bothers any of you guys. Definitely a case of wonderful service for being a decent and giving guy. A definite repeat.
Only wish I could entertain with a Thumperesque review. Damn Bunny made me fall for Bunny.
"She hits you with her fingertips at five different pressure points on your body. And then she lets you walk away. But after you've taken five steps.........."
Stopped at old reliable - Bella - at about midnight. Expected to find the doors locked but voila - in I walked. Greeted by two statuesque woman. One appeared latino and I did not get her name because the friendlier girl - Bunny caught my attention immediately. As we all know the lighting and the nervousness of the moment often clouds judgement and we often do not know what the looks are like until you are into your session. At that moment I guessed Bunny to be about 5'6" or so with a large frame but not fat. It was her smile and personality that got me in the room.
She began the session without demanding the door fee, though I left if on the table. She immediately struck up a good conversation while she provided basic but ok massage. Did not mind as I was enjoying the chat. This may put others off but at this point the whole session just felt comfortable. Realizing how long we had been talking she decided she better get down to business. Asked me what I wanted and I told her I only had $100 total. No problem she exclaimed and told me we would partake in BS. Once naked I began to massage her back. Upon doing so she told me to get up and that it was her turn for massage. I have never had the NR but I am not deficient in the art of massage so to speak. Bunny was very, very impressed and taken with my work. So much so I could sense the heat of session increasing. By far the best connection I have ever had with an MPA. She flipped over to revealing her absolutely beautiful friends whom I enjoyed for some time. She decided based on my work that I would get the special finish. Indeed this too was my first without the basic HJ.
In the end I had fantastic time and it seems the feeling was mutual. We lost track of time, but I think we were in the 45min to 1 hr range. Bunny gets high marks on personality, is statuesque without being too big, uses all of her assets well. She has alot of tattoo work around her stomach and back in case that bothers any of you guys. Definitely a case of wonderful service for being a decent and giving guy. A definite repeat.
Only wish I could entertain with a Thumperesque review. Damn Bunny made me fall for Bunny.
"She hits you with her fingertips at five different pressure points on your body. And then she lets you walk away. But after you've taken five steps.........."