Did you read that story? $9 million into the homeless outreach program? Holy crap....how many homeless are there? Say there's 10,000, that's 900 each and I highly doubt there's even 1,000. If there is only 1,000 that's $9,000.00 each...holy crap......it'd be better to just give them the fricken money......
As for many "it's their job" I remind everyone of "the shaky lady" who lived in a 2 bedroom condo with a big screen tv and road to work in a black town car......
Unfortunately in our PC do gooder society, they'd never do this but I say:
Drive up in a school bus. Out come 10 cops. Round up the beggars and take them to a local park and hand them a garbage bag and say: clean it up.....
Or give em a pair of rubber gloves and a scraper and set em to work scraping the gum off the sidewalks.....