I feel your pain CG, I hate it when our government agencies designed to protect us cowtow to big business.
I think the only way you can avoid siituations like this is to use a provider who doesn't use any existing big business's infrastructure. ie: shaw cable etc.
I received this notice from Bell:
"Effective February 28, 2011, an extreme usage fee of $1.00 per GB for usage exceeding 300GB per month will apply. This change will not likely affect you given your current usage level."
I don't use anywhere near that amount but the dollar value is a lot less than the one you were quoted.
You could look at it another way: what is the value of all the movies (porn) you download every month? If you figure each movie (porn) is worth about $10.00 each, that's $1000.00 per month you save.
Maybe it's tiime to be more selective in what you download?
A buddy of mine back in the napster (free) days used to do a search for say, Madonna, and then highlight every song that came up in the search, and download them all, even duplicates, low quality, misnamed, everything. It's people like that who ruin it for everyone. If he wasn't downloading 100 gb of songs every month, maybe they wouldn't be requesting limits be placed on downloading? This kind of reminds me of all you can eat buffets: there are some who will go and eat a reasonable amount and some who will pile a mountain of food onto their plate then only eat a small portion of what they've taken, and throw the rest out. If enough people do that sooner or later the restaurant will either have to charge more, or lessen the quality.
I disagree totally with the throttling however. If you're paying for 12 mb/s download it shouldn't matter if you're downloading music, movies (porn), or google maps. If you pay for 12 mb/s you should receive 12 mb/s. To me that's no better than going to a gas station and choosing super and then finding out you're only getting regular since you have a larger gas tank.