LOVE the way you begain this thread. Amen, brother. TJ (and, for my money, Adelitas) has GOT to be the best recreational value for the money that I've every experienced!
Re: TJ escorts: While my experience has also been that they (and the ads) seem overpriced for the local market (not unlike the $1K LA escorts), I've heard reports from reputable and usually reliable sources of $100/hour high-quality action. Just never been able to get a referral, etc. I think the comment about decent Spanish might help. Mine's pretty "pidgeon", enough to get the job done and hopefully let them know I'm trying; but not enough for extended conversation.
Re TJ bars: The "addiction" observation wasn't far from the truth (if not right on it.) I just can't get enough of the "shopping" a room of 50-100 women, knowing I can have any one I want, and the question only being which one. Plus, the whole psychology of wondering which one will be most to your liking "en la cama", based on their actions, expressions, comments, and looks in the bar. It's certainly an inexact science, and I THINK that's part of the appeal to me. I want it easy, but I still like SOME element of "hunting" and success at a SLIGHTLY uncertain outcome. (Uncertain only in the quality, not whether or not!)
Just $.02,