Hello all.
First off this is totally unfair since we all have our favorites and we champion our clubs, so take our "shilling" with a grain of salt.
Secondly we do not represent a statistical group, we are simply to few people to do a proper exit poll.
Also, someone has argued that some places are to small to be called a club.
The mpnet ISO 9000 Standard has the following definition of a club:
It is a place that you can find without calling or emailing in advance.
This means the location is fixed and the adress is public either on the clubs advertising or here.
So without further babble here is my list, based on objective info collected by me.
The number one club in Prague.
The place itself is 'private standard' and the rooms has a bed and a bathroom.
However the girls and service are second to none in my humble opinion.
The runner ups.
These are the places I would visit after dessert.
www.sweetparadise.cz Pick the right girl and leave a happy man.
Privat Victori When I was there 4 out 5 girls were atleast an 8.
www.fkk-prague.eu He He I have to go there to gloat some day.
www.pinkdolly.cz This has a cool interior and decent service last I was there.
Kabaret Prague This was a nice surprice hot girls and a decent service and good location.
www.bigsister.net ITS FREE..
www.redlight.cz This is where I go when I run out of money.