Known Reviewer
A Toronto man, who has 2 kids attending a local Catholic School, spoke out against that institution celebrating Gay Pride Month during a school board meeting. Inexplicably, Toronto Police are now investigating the father's comments to determine if charges will be laid against him in regards to hate crime legislation.
A Catholic man, whose daughters are attending Catholic school, is being investigated for a hate crime because he spoke out and opposed Gay Pride values soon to be taught to his kids at said Catholic school.
This is beyond sick. What is the point of having a separate Catholic school system in Canada if Catholic teachings aren't allowed to be taught?
I have played with a few penises in my time, but I would never force Catholics to support my occassional lifestyle. To do so would be disrespectful, hurtful and devilish.
The Communists are intent on destroying Christianity and Catholicism, as well as breaking apart the family. Communists ultimate goal is to make government the ultimate religious power in society, and then funnel all transactions and resources through the government, leaving us slaves to their central planning wickedry.
A Catholic man, whose daughters are attending Catholic school, is being investigated for a hate crime because he spoke out and opposed Gay Pride values soon to be taught to his kids at said Catholic school.
This is beyond sick. What is the point of having a separate Catholic school system in Canada if Catholic teachings aren't allowed to be taught?
I have played with a few penises in my time, but I would never force Catholics to support my occassional lifestyle. To do so would be disrespectful, hurtful and devilish.
The Communists are intent on destroying Christianity and Catholicism, as well as breaking apart the family. Communists ultimate goal is to make government the ultimate religious power in society, and then funnel all transactions and resources through the government, leaving us slaves to their central planning wickedry.
Police investigate Catholic dad after he asked Catholic school board to not fly gay pride flag - LifeSite
‘Sending signals that support gay pride messages is contrary to the teachings of the Church and have no place in our schools,’ the dad said.