In Canada, prostitution is legal. But that's as far as it goes. Brothels, pimps, streetwalking, all those peripheral aspects are crimes. If you imagine those laws can be stretched to close down a massage parlour selling HJs, well so can a cop or a Crown. And they have and they do. If you can imagine them turning a blind eye, because they have better things to do, and it's sorta handy to know where such stuff happens, so can they. And they do. And, as a topper, there's the lower court judge who pointed out a spontaneous, un-negociated sexual act isn't necessarily prostitution, no matter how much money changed hands for other services, and so found that Massage Parlour was not a brothel.
So the only safe and sure way to navigate this legal swamp is to make a private call [public communication's a crime] to arrange [the agency may be pimping, but that's not your problem] for a SP to meet you in your hotel room [not a 'hot-sheet' joint, which might be judged a brothel] and do the deal and as much of the dirty as you please [not with a minor, and not in public view]. Your only worry then is the hotel's guest policy.
But lots of us would rather be in her place [incall if it was an SP], even though that's for sure a brothel, and the workers, operators and even the johns can all be charged with crimes. So we hope we'll be OK in MPs. We are aware, no matter how virtuous and beyond reproach our conduct in one of those little rooms might be, if a court decides everybody else was doing brothel-stuff in the MP, then we get charged as 'found-ins', a criminal offence.
So we stick to well established, licensed MPs with something serious to lose. It may be that the occasional minor sex act takes place in the privacy of a room, as a spontaneous gesture. But management will be careful to see all such stuff stays within the bounds of what the authorities seem to tolerate, and that at least 'plausible deniability' protects them from the charge of operating a place that customarily offers sex for money. Do not push that envelope and you should be fine, but there are no guarantees. York Region used to be awash w/ MPs, now nary a one.
And for Shawn22: It's your money only you can say if "it's really that good". If what you want is FS, or a BJ, you'd be silly to spend your bucks at a MP where they're a no-no. Go to an incall and take the risks, or call an SP to your place and take no risks. But some guys like all the slippy, slidey, naked rubby-tummy stuff and think it's well worth it to walk out all relaxed and aglow. You don't hafta.