Once upon a time two large tortoises and a little one went into a bar to quench their thirst with a mug of beer. As they began to drink it one of the large tortoises commented that it was raining. After a lively discussion, it was decided that the little tortoise should go home for the umbrella.
The little tortoise demurred, afraid that if he went the big tortoises would drink his beer.
They finally convinced him they would leave his beer alone and he started after the umbrella.
Three weeks passed and finally one of the big tortoises said, "Lets drink the little guys beer."
"Ive been thinking the same thing," said the other, "So lets do it."
From down at the end of the bar near the door a shrill voice cried.
"If you do, i wont go for the umbrella."
The little tortoise demurred, afraid that if he went the big tortoises would drink his beer.
They finally convinced him they would leave his beer alone and he started after the umbrella.
Three weeks passed and finally one of the big tortoises said, "Lets drink the little guys beer."
"Ive been thinking the same thing," said the other, "So lets do it."
From down at the end of the bar near the door a shrill voice cried.
"If you do, i wont go for the umbrella."