very interesting posts here.
i have myself 2 questions, which will make you think i am quite undecisive...
1) i have post-nasal drip, mucous/lung sensitivity (react to tobacco smoke, pollution, dust mites, dust, milk...). never breathing long and deep.sometimes cough. have small lungs anyway. have been really stupid enough to smoke cigarettes in the past, like 2 per night on saturday nights in clubs (I am asahmed). my mum died last year of lung cancer: never smoked, no asbestos contact, just a stressed out depressed life in polluted big capital city. I do worry for me now, naturally.
Which therapy can cure/improve that? I use essential oils, love them, but doubt wether this affects my condition in the long term (would like something working on the whole system/energies). I think of homeopathy or accupuncture, but have read that homeopathy is incompatible with the use of essential oils...
2) love complementary therapies and any story about "natural wicth" inEuropean countryside who cure catlle, barren women and various illnesses with just their hands, their words and some water (am compiling research on water rituals).
Love aromatherapy, and the bits i read about reflexology, accupuncture and homeopathy. wonder if i should reconvert myself as a physiotherapist to give love and courage to people in hospital (the experience ofseeing my mum deteriorate and trying to help her last year has struck something inside, I want to help, to touch physically people, to share, listen), while earning a good living, as so far i have done all the choices of career (art, teaching part-time because not enough work available...)that give half a salary. I also want a job that allows me to live the city and live near the sea or mountains, for I choke in the traffic.
I am not sure which therapy is really for me, career wise, as aromatherapy involves lots of massage (maybe i am not strong enough) but i love the smells and there already are plenty of aromathrapists/reflexologists in the Uk, making half a living.
3) do all naturopathy (accupuncture, homeopathy) courses cost 3000 pounds a year, for 4 years??
All i know is that i love natural therapies, healing but want to make a good living, not be a debt-ridden student anylonger.
Any advice for an undecisive post-nasal patient?