
Say spaahh, and let go of all your stresses. Now wake up! That quickie wasn’t so nice… We caught up with a So-Flo mobile spa service inside South Beach Lady Yacht that won’t leave you hanging. Instead, like Deco Drive, it’ll put you in a state of relaxation.
Time flies when you’re getting pampered. Traveling Aura is the answer to escape without really escaping.
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “Traveling Aura is a luxury mobile spa experience and we pamper clients in their home, office, or hotel. We do poolside pampering while the girls get to mingle. It’s quite fun to see people in that element, knowing that at the end of their service, we’ll just pack it up and leave.”
The moving spa-cation does all the driving for you.
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “Our services include massages, nails, and facials and we do corporations, corporate wellness, and we bring everything you need in the comfort of that space.”
From bridal to birthday or ‘just cause’ parties, they’ll bring the world of tranquility straight to your door or marina!
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “The most unique for me is, I would say, the yacht. For massages, we can do as little as five people or up to 200. We bring a massage table, sheets, our spa robes, and obviously our massage oil and our massage lotion.”
Their professional rubdowns can be paired with other services.
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “Our basic package includes massages only. And then you can go on to our second level, where you can decipher which two services, of our three services, you would like to add.”
Like nails.
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “We bring all the polish that you need. We use disposables in our services. So you’re able to see us open the packages, and we do mani-in-a-box or pedi-in-a-box.”
For facials, all the essentials are covered.
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “We bring all the skin care products that we utilize. We use a brand called Elixir of Life, which is actually a local brand here in South Florida and all-natural brand.”
Time and price options vary depending on your group. And here, size does matter.
Patricia Reign, CEO and Founder of Traveling Aura: “We do break them down into smaller increments of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 45 minutes. So they get a chance to do what I call musical pampering, where they can essentially go to each station and then they, in a sense, get an appetizer of that pampering and wellness.”
Michelle Nave, MOS: “There’s nothing quite like to have the convenience of having the full pampering effect in one spot.”
To book an appointment, click here.
Traveling Aura
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