Dear Paul,
I'm all for being cautious and not leaving oneself open for cases of negligence.
However, when you consider that most GP's are probably going to believe that Reflexology is no more than a foot massage, then they're probably not going to consider the wider implications. Other than if they say yes go for it, then they themselves assume responsibility of referral, so they may just say no to cover themselves and that would be unfortunate.
To Happy Soles, then unless you're qualified in the areas if Psychology or Psychiatry, then I wouldn't even go there and hazard a diagnosis. And certainly not suggest such things to someone with such serious physical problems. In my experience, these people get enough of that sort of thing from GP's. It's called 'patient blaming' - the 'it's all in your head scenario'!
Presumalbly your tutor has not had any serious problem in their life. Well they'll be in for a rude awakening if they do in the future and they get regarded as it being a psycho-social issue, stress, anxiety, psychosomatic and all those other 'dust bin' diagnosis, because they don't have the impetus or understanding to actually diagnose the problem properly.
I agree that there are emotional issues or trauma that can contribute to many conditions, but you'll find a whole lot more that are secondary to the condition.
ME/ CFS is a classic case that are still not believed by main stream medics to be a proper organic disease, so they continue to treat these peolpe for depression. This flies in the face of a Government enquiry and all the research that suggests that the depression is secondary to the condition, as is the case with most, if not all chronic conditions.
If you have a long term condition that impacts on your life and particularly involves pain, then, yes sooner or later it's going to get you down. [X(]
Sorry - Rant over - You stumbled on one of my soap box subjects on that one. [sm=soapbox.gif]
I would support Candie's suggestion of allergies and sensitivities as being a major underlying cause. She has known allergies i.e. coffee, known allergy related condition in ecxema and as for the probable auto-immune stuff.
If you consider that auto-immune diseases are like allergies to ones own tissues, joints, organs, systems etc, then it's worth considering that these too may well be helped with NAET treatment. Instead of using a sample vial of, say a food or environmental allergen to desensitise the person, you can use a sample vial of the tissue (hormone or whatever) in question. i.e. kidney, pancreas, adrenal gland, pancreas, thyroid, etc.
You'll, no doubt pick up from your reflexology work on them that there's a lot going on in many areas and not just the obvious organs and zones. And you may well get some good improvement, but if this plateaux's and then you may want to consider referring them elsewhere.