Hello all
Was in China for a few weeks and had a nice chat through pm unfortuantely with another forum member changken69 recommending a few places however couldn't meet up due to food posioning.. anyhow cutting a long story short....
backgroudn on myself...was born in shanghai went overseas at a young age hence the english skills, i do speak and read fluent mando and shang (so jobs in shang gimme gimme) which makes mongering in a sense a bit easier here. im in my high 20's also.
Gonna break up venues for you all, because as far as i know there is a tremdous amount of info for locals as the sites in chinese (like that massage website a few threads down but dun register if u cbf or can't read chink) but a huge lack of information for foreigners or tourists visiting. Shanghai is a huge mongering city, HOWEVeR due to the damn expo alot of places are being raided and barbar shops which we all use to know are closed and pretty non existant close to the city centre, there are about 10 local red light districts which have a concentration of those shops however i haven't ventured out to check it out coz 1 its damn far, and 2 those places are often very inaccessible and need bike or scooter to go through every alley and lane and seroiusly really cbf'd.
when chatting to kenchang i realised he was about the same age myself and wanted to go to bj' bars, i've been to bangkok a few times also and will highlight the difference in services from there and there but those places do exist in shang, however from chinese forums once again very far and two coz of the expo if u're not a regluar customer most likely the dude/owner will tell u to fuk off even if u can see someone comin from the inside and smacking a 100yuan bill on the table and leave.
i'm sure mongers in shanghai knows the difference btw a few of the places...but i'm gonna quickly highlight a few if u guys know this just skip down =]
-ktv and clubs
places like golden palace club on shimener lu 石门二路 or alot of the 夜总会 are very high $$$ which ulimately prop leads to nothing...most famous one or strip where these are located are 陆家嘴 lujiazui around the carrefour on 无宁路 wuning lu, its called hm...Tian Shang Ren Jian best and most $$$ in shang.. basically those place operate ...go in drink singk touch girls boobies, rub panties mayeb chicks fiddle u go home all horny yeh if u lukcy chicks come home with you but most likely no!...price range 1500rmb+
theres a price list i saw somewhere for tian shang ren jian the best one in shang a vip private room the best one was about 8000rmb per night...so go figure
mostly all closed now with the expo, old times scattered on thes treets of shang everywhere...alley ways go in bascially point to a girl they take u to the back of the barbarshop normally with shower n bed and partitioned walls (good ones) can have dingy dirty ones, ask her what she does bj sex...normally ppl would actually do sex 打炮 than bj places like these range from 250 bj's to 500 fs
rather than the filo FL at bars on tongren rd....and whereever they moved it to now and stuff they are local hotties which u can find so reguarlly on forums and internet or also lots of 3 somes options most girls are from country but they are hot though....contact through mob or qq
one word of advice on this though some dude got busted at a fl' house 15 days in jail for illiciting through internet so guys if u go through this option be careful
-massage and saunas
where special services are offered in saunas and massage heaps of thsoe places around mostly aimed at japs...
go in pick your massage any massage over 500 per hour include special services u'll notice the price jump for foot massage one hour 80-120 rmb then jap massage 1 hour 200 then some massage its like one hour 550 u'll get the drift
-these places i'd liek to group as brothels bascially 会所
any places u come across that has that term is a brothel basically golden 18 in chinese is called golden 18 会所, and 999 i believe anyways those places very simple go in pick one ...get out pay fees....
so review time..basically when i got to shang coz of expo heapsof places closed, being a bit younger than the typical monger was always allways under the impression that they'll somehow 1 rip me off 2 laugh at me and not provide with service 3 basically tell me to fuck off coz i looked too young.
i live close to cbd nanjing lu and went on chinky forum found a place actually just 1 min walk from my joint. literally. walked pas tit many times just looked like well just looked like office building..then read a bit deeper says its a korean massage place upper class good renovations blah blah blah....opens at 2 closes at 2am b4 6 is 650 after 6 its 700
might sound funny but when i was in bkk never had this issue (loved lolitas)about being shy and scared but one night go the courage (might sound stupid now but seroiusly should've gone more) and just bascially walked in at 1am lol...maybe coz i speak the lingo but i gotta say omfg the nicest guy lol took me in. i'll go through the process by steps coz i know when i read reviews here about g18 or 999 not too much detail was in it ....all vague-ish
only reason also why i went coz its close my place and after walkin past it about a billion times and looking at ppl going in and out of it i notcied alot of young guys coming out of it so i decided what the heck its also right next to golden palace entertainment centre, basically two places owned by the same guy more chick work at golden palace all live in the same area though....and gpalace is just rub and tease place
anwyas walked in first thing noticed outlay, so damn nicely renovated i mean really nice 5 star hotel nice

ushering person front of house person was a young guy like myself as u walk in bascailly cashiers on the left i asked the dude what time they close he said dw its 2 but its all good, and what priceing he said 700,*tip never directly ask for pricing well for places like this and g18 and stuff its pretty standard if u go to other dodgey places make it look like you've been there before just rephase it the question like...ask night rate is aa bit expensive right??? how much again shit like that, u all smart cookies out there anyway* so i thought wot the heck g18 880 O.O just go with it ....pretty happy took me aroudn the entry hall walked upstairs to lvl 2, gave me a key to locker with clean thongs and a robe and asked me what drink i'd like...all drinks free btw got a coke

stripped off everything cept my undies got into the robe, put on the thongs locked my staff away with the key chain arond my wrist he came in with me coke then asked me if i wanna go up to see now or later i said u closing soon jsut go now, while walking up to lvl 3 he yelled out lineup...and i was placed into a nice a nice ass room
on top the bed had RED ROPE nad swing...guys if u wnat red rope as who does it its 100rmb extra.... a HUGE ass shower when i say huge ...its fkn huge i'll get to that later.... and just overall nice place to be in...better than my fkn apartment lol or hotel which i've been to
lineup comes in 10 girls..thats all working for the night...all bowed and said welcome and here to serviec you....each intro'd their number and where they're from all were wearing uniforms and outfits u noe the drill, i picked the first one a very young girl she looked okay but was real young she gave me good eye contact thats why and yeh was standing closet to me and i'm kinda blind hahaha but nevertheless picked her, others went away the usher went away n the girl said oh oh thank u so much for picking me i'll be right back.
she came back within about 40seconds with her bag of goodies and said sorry for the wait i'm here now started groping a bit and talkking and just touching a bit then she said would u like another girl always upsale like everywhere else she said during promotional period its 1000 for 2 i thought hey....this could work...and yes i knoe also that with two girls things get crowded and things dun often turn out the way they seem to be.
i said to her to grab the flight attendant in...she was a hottie busty nice face she came and said was it me your after i'm very playful and grab my downstairs and just stripped off...and i thought to myself what the heck just take it only here once in hm...a while hahah did i mention this palce was really close to my house haha well she took me to the big ass shower other girl called downstairs to confirm the 1k to recption was in shower....its all very clean and safe ... girls showered me everywhere air mattress yes the shower was so big it could fit a queen size airmattress stillwith plenty of space so i actually got a soapy rubdown which bkk is famous for at bkk massage palours but i never got one....and got one here in shang...one upside to this. licked every part of me, loved the double bj, guys get one in your lifetime and rubbed pussy and brests on me.
washed up went to the bed, and pulled out a menu. the experience here are very different to bkk where over there its more of a pse where girl play with each other very casual, here their main purpose is to service you, and alot of weird shit like blowing ice in ya ass and sucking it out with a straw all those things that like japs and the locals like..i kinda told them just not to go near there...alot of other stuff but at the time just wanted to do the deed. bascially did the younger one was hot all good finished up, they washed me up and dried up together girls told me come bak next time earlier and stuff more girls to pick from before leaving gave me a bj just to get me bad, they listerine and brush teeth after every time so its clean and stuff and thats basically it. got dressed they walked me down to lvl 2 usher came again too kme to my locker asked me if i wanted a drink..COKE was the choice got changed went downstairs paid 1000rmb whole thing was baout 75min just was about to leave the owner came out was there...said thank you come again soon started chatting to the guy went out for asmoke together haha it was all good...really good. and walked to eat some 5 yuan hand pulled noodles off the st and went home =]
the reason why g18 and 999 dominates the forums here and the shanghai forum isn't very active itself issimply for the fact that ppl who go g18 and 999 were the only places that people have been to and reported back and because of that its come to the concluion that these are the choices for mongering. GUys it is not...there are heaps and i expalin to you heaps of these places and i asked they do cater for cusotmers who do speak english so guys if u want something more central rather thang oing to xuhui for g18 or 999 or scar in pudong guygs go here...its good guys its good =)
corner of xinzha road and shimener road. NExt to golden palace entertianment place the one with the huge gold statues with the statues on your right walk up its literally right next to it, got a flowery door bascially only place there....damn easy to find =]