Hi all
Just a query really. What routine do people use for warming themselves up? I am trained as a classical piano player and apart from scales warm up we did not get ourselves ready for playing. Having recently qualified VTCT Level 3 Dip we were taught to warm up ourselves by head rotating, shoulder rotating, finger flashing, stretch fingers, arms, torso side to side. Must say this is a great limbering up routine and helps with my piano playing. Also friends who have done Reiki were having a Reiki circle which I joined in with before we met our final assessment clients in the college salon. Worked a treat. Was able to be calm, focused, relaxed and enjoyed giving the treatment. Any comments, tips welcome.
Just a query really. What routine do people use for warming themselves up? I am trained as a classical piano player and apart from scales warm up we did not get ourselves ready for playing. Having recently qualified VTCT Level 3 Dip we were taught to warm up ourselves by head rotating, shoulder rotating, finger flashing, stretch fingers, arms, torso side to side. Must say this is a great limbering up routine and helps with my piano playing. Also friends who have done Reiki were having a Reiki circle which I joined in with before we met our final assessment clients in the college salon. Worked a treat. Was able to be calm, focused, relaxed and enjoyed giving the treatment. Any comments, tips welcome.