I've never heard of that. But, I'm not surprised.
You know, my county's median income is right around $24K per year and I don't know anyone who has qualified for welfare payment. A friend of mine was left penniless with a kid by a deadbeat dad a few years ago, she attempted to apply for assistance, they wouldn't even give her food stamps and they had no income, her husband took the transportation. She didn't own anything, either.
It's astounding. How do people get on this stuff? A girl I went to school with, her husband works unbelievable hours just to pay rent, they have 3 kids, they barely get food stamps. Two neighbors that live down the apartment building from her have no kids, get hundreds of dollars in food stamps, welfare money, utilities paid, etc. Both are healthy and neither of them work. They're addicts.
It's just amazing that people can get that kind of money. I know there are people who defraud Social Security, but a state-level agency shouldn't be snowed so easily. At least, you would hope.