I know it may not be a thread for here. But had to write it to release some steam. I have been in the hobby for years and found this site through others. Now days I don't hobby anymore but things like life changes so can never say never.
Is giving me serious life's too short feelings. I've started a little doing things today that I always planned to do tomorrow, and thinking about the things I want to do before I die.
These people at the end of life have regrets. Not a single one of them regrets not keeping a tidier house, not impressing their neighbours more, not having a perfectly coordinated lounge.
They regret shit like never having really made full use of their bodies when they were young and healthy, not having seen more of the world, worrying about trivial shit instead of doing fun shit, letting what might have been true love slip through their fingers because they were scared of taking a risk or causing a scandal.
Suddenly I really need to own a longbow.