Whenever I read massage tips, they're always for giving a massage to someone on a massage chair or massage table. But since I'm just a person who's interested in giving massages to friends at college, I need techniques for giving a massage to someone who's sitting backwards on a straight-backed chair. Any suggestions? Best Answer if you give me a couple of websites too.
What I mean is that the only equipment I have is a straight backed chair. Usually I have the person sit backwards on the chair so that they can lean forward and rest on the back of the chair. I sit in front of the chair so I face the person's back. If this isn't the best position, I would like to know.
Also, for websites, I was hoping for instructions on specific techniques for my situation, not websites to buy massage equipment from.
What I mean is that the only equipment I have is a straight backed chair. Usually I have the person sit backwards on the chair so that they can lean forward and rest on the back of the chair. I sit in front of the chair so I face the person's back. If this isn't the best position, I would like to know.
Also, for websites, I was hoping for instructions on specific techniques for my situation, not websites to buy massage equipment from.