If you have painful swelling in your arms or legs, then you may have a condition called lymphedema, where lymph fluid builds up in the body (per Cleveland Clinic). According to Medical News Today, a lymphatic drainage massage is usually performed by a specialized medical professional. However, you can also learn how to do it at home. During a lymphatic drainage massage, the areas of the body with fluid build-up are released. The fluid is then guided to flow towards areas of the body with lymph nodes (per Cleveland Clinic). WebMD says that there are several types of lymphatic drainage massage techniques that incorporate circulation motions, sweeping movements, periods of rest, or combinations of techniques.
There are many potential benefits of lymphatic drainage massage. WebMD says that lymphatic drainage may help the body regulate immunity through the maintenance of blood circulation and regulation of body fluid. Further, this type of massage can reduce the pain and swelling that comes with lymphedema (per Medical News Today). However, lymphatic drainage massage is not for everyone. Cleveland Clinic says that if you have blood clots, an infection, a heart condition, or kidney failure, then lymphatic drainage massage is not recommended.