I constantly see cyclists in my neighbourhood running stop signs, and they give you the finger, when you honk at them, or try to explain to them that rules of the road apply to everyone.
I witnessed an incident a few years ago, approaching a 4 way stop. I was in my vehicle, behind another car and we both came to a stop. She started to pull into the intersection, and the guy coming from our left sailed through the intersection, well, started through, saw her, and he put his bike down, and was road rashed like crazy.
She stops, as it looks like the guy has been hurt. He gets himself up, and starts over toward her car, screaming at her, ready to fight, bleeding all over the place. I stepped out of my car, and called out to him, ''HEY, she had the right of way, you didn't stop at the stop sign, get back on your bike, or I'll call the cops.'' He looked at me, looked at the lady, told us both to ''fuck off'', and got back on his bike, and rode away.
I see that 'holier than thou' attitude from cyclists way too often. London cops could balance the city budget just ticketing cyclists in this city who break laws.
Cyclists in this city are constantly on sidewalks, and ride at night with no lights, reflectors, bells, and often ride against traffic.
I've actually watched a cyclist die, because he thought the rules of the road didn't apply. It was sad to see such a thing, but, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.