Swedish massage is the fundamental and basic full-body relaxation massage routine that the majority of trained therapists learn. It is a great way to begin massage work with people, which is why it is taught in the majority of massage schools, and is often a standard requirement for credentialing. From that point a therapist may choose to learn and develop other styles of massage including deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point therapy, accupressure, shiatsu, myofascial release, sports massage, medical massage, and of course the plethora of spa treatments and/or energy-based work (Reiki, Polarity). Each of the other approaches, along with different techniques, often have a slightly different theory, trying to accomplish different results.
For your visit attire should be comfortable and casual. If you do not have a chance to shower after the massage, you will be leaving with oil and/or lotion still on your skin. Most spas welcome tips for their therapists but don't feel obligated to it. $5-$10 might be appropriate depending on the services you receive in your spa package. You may be asked to remove all of your clothing for the massage and it is fine if you choose to do that. In the majority of swedish massage sessions, the therapist will leave the room, allow you to undress and position yourself on the massage table, covering yourself with either a sheet or towel. About 20 minutes into the session (if you don't talk or fidget around too much) you should feel yourself letting go of tension as you relax further into the table. If you feel like falling asleep, go ahead. The therapist will wake you up when you are finished.
Welcome to the world of massage....