income - quite good, if you work for yourself. if you work for others you may have to provide your own equipment, towels oil etc for a higher percentage, or if everything is provided a lower %. you only get paid usually for the massages you do. sometimes means long shifts but you sleep well!
you have to be interested in working with people to do this job
demands are mental and physical
free time is pretty good, you'll have to balance the income out. if you work for yourself do it in a way that minimises overheads. you set your own boundaries and make plenty of free time for yourself. important to have the mental and physical breaks so you dont burn out
i have worked for myself and others, its good to have a mix of both.
sometimes you have to do your own business development working for others, or they'll provide you all the clients, eg in a gym
you have to be fit to start massaging to keep up with busy days
anyway its interesting enough but you'll either love it or not, or want to move onto something different like i eventually did