The Opportunists: treat prostitutes purely as sexual repositories, establish no relationship with any of the women, and have minimal contact with them.
The Fraternisers: visit prostitutes in pairs or groups. Their visits are mainly male social affairs involving women only as peripheral companions.
The Promoters: seek personal satisfaction and peer prestige by encouraging other men to visit prostitutes they know. In return they expect emotional support from the women and a kind of non-sexual relationship with them.
The Adventurers: are mostly young men seeking sexual experimentation. They require a kind of therapeutic relationship with the women during their sexual explorations.
The Lovers: seek romantic attachments with prostitutes. They are usually older men who wish to rescue the women from a life of crime and corruption.
The Friends: are usually married, middle-aged and seek to have prostitutes as companions or second wives supplying sex on demand.
The Guardians: are usually the oldest "type". They see themselves as protectors of young prostitutes, perceived as "child-women".
The Juveniles: can be of any age but usually single. They prefer older prostitutes for the opposite reason to the "Guardians" seeking the younger ones. They want mother-figures.
The Slaves: wish to be dominated by prostitutes and seek humiliation in order to express homosexual, infantile, transvestite or exhibitionist fantasies.
I came across this list reading about 'Pimps and Patrons' the boys in the business. It seems there are very few studies on the behavior on the 'John's' the guys that visit prostitutes. One study by Charles Winick way back in 1962 felt men who visited prostitutes are disturbed in some way, others see the prostitution customers just as normal as regular guys who don't visit prostitutes. The other study was from Martha Stein, 1974 study where she used observation and psychoanalysis to come up with nine 'types' of clients.{ the list above}
We on these sex forums usually talk about only two kinds of Mongers: First type who see prostitutes as 'cum receptacles' and dirty nasty whores, who are beneath the monger who is fucking them. The second, type we see as foolish, we call them the 'PLM' [pathetic loser monger] who seeks out prostitutes in order to make them their girlfriend, only to get burned in the end.
Personally I HATE the mongers who see prostitutes as 'cum receptacles' but they are usually the majority of people on sex forums, you can tell who they are when you see them write, ' THEY ARE JUST WHORES.' I just think they are missing out. The second type, the 'PLMs' I think they can be foolish, but I have a little more respect for them, and always wish them well. It's only when they start bragging about what a STUD they are for being able to pick up prostitutes that I lose my respect for them too. But as you see there are many types of mongers, not just the two we mainly talk about, and if it was up to me I could come up with a longer list.
One of the most interesting type of monger on the list is the 'Promoter' I had trouble in the past trying to figure out why certain mongers were into promotion without real monetary rewards, but now I think I understand it a little more.
I always wondered about the 'Fraternisers' guys or group of guys who just hang out at the zona, to drink and just bullshit, but don't fuck the sex workers. I don't know why, but I never trusted them. I always felt, if your going to visit a 'red zone' you ought to get some pussy too. The Fraternisers in Tijuana are mostly Asian, but there are other groups as well.