I usually take a look at my up coming schedule. Most importantly I take into account my work hours. If I'm not working on the weekend, then I can hobby on Friday nights. I try not to schedule an MP appointment during the time I'm working because I don't want to disappoint the girl I'm supposed to meet by cancelling on her. Not showing up, and not telling them you're not cuming over, is even worse. You don't want to leave her hanging like that. She might actually blacklist you when you make the next appointment with her. Most of the good MPs are pretty far from where I live. So I try not to schedule during rush hour, as I don't like to be caught in a traffic jam. Nobody ever likes it when you are late. Also, if I'm not doing anything on a Saturday night, and if the Leafs are idle on any given night, I might get bored and just go to the MP as a walk in without making an appointment. This way you can also meet a new girl that hasn't been reviewed yet. You never know, you might find a hidden gem. I once met an MPA on a walk in without looking at any reviews, and without seeing what she looked like, and I was so pleasantly surprised about her, that we just clicked from the get go. And now she is my favorite go to girl. It's funny how some things work out sometimes.