I did a really quick search and a lot of people recomnded Korg but how does it work?
;http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Korg-GA-1-Guitar-Bass-Tuner-GA1-New-boxed-/330514240883?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4cf42f1573 #
or should I go with this instead - since I am new to guitars
Please help -It's an old guitar (1960's) and a egmond freres.
acoustic btw.
Thanks mikey - I am willing to spend more for a better product.
;http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Korg-GA-1-Guitar-Bass-Tuner-GA1-New-boxed-/330514240883?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4cf42f1573 #
or should I go with this instead - since I am new to guitars
Please help -It's an old guitar (1960's) and a egmond freres.
acoustic btw.
Thanks mikey - I am willing to spend more for a better product.