holy crap, bliss? is that you?
I say women get the better of the deal, if they don't have any hangups that is.
As CG so aptly put it, I don't care what they say, no man can cum 5 times in under a minute, have a glass of water and cum about 5 times in the next 5 minutes. IMO that's the clincher right there.
Now couple with the fact that even if she is only reasonably attractive she could walk into just about any bar, restaurant, grocery store, Canadian Tire and pick up a guy and get laid should she so desire, that's another winner for them.
I knew a woman who would cum from nipple play, if it was done just so and I also knew one who came via a foot and calf massage. But then again, I knew a woman who wouldn't cum if you put a dildo on a jackhammer so.......(goes to prove there's all kinds).
Oh, I almost forgot this one: couple all the above with the fact that during intercourse with even the most active female, the guy does most of the work. (I know I know there are a couple of positions where the female does the work but for the most part, we do most of the work).
Then you add into the fact that even a woman with a tiny vagina, or one with the grand canyon, can still get off. A guy with a little dick is pretty much SOL.