Nevertheless, I was determined to persevere in my quest for a soothing massage. I put the hoodie on at work in an attempt to embrace the "relax and recharge" ethos at my desk. The experience was anything but relaxing. When I zipped up the hoodie and leaned back in my chair, I could feel each of the six massage modules poking into my back. It felt like I was sitting against rocks.
The app, which connects to your hoodie via Bluetooth, has four, pre-programmed massage options: Relax, Shoulder, Lower Back, and Sleep. I tried the first three and could barely feel a vibration, let alone a massage, from any of them. All I could feel were six painful points that were supposed to be relieving my sore muscles, not exacerbating the problem.
Massage hoodie, why do you hurt me so? What did I ever do to you?
Granted, my hoodie is a prototype from AiraWear, not the final shipping product. But, unless some major design and technical changes are made before the hoodie ships in January 2017, this is not going to be the next Kickstarter-funded breakthrough. Plus, who spends $199 on a hoodie? Just wear your $89 American Giant hoodie (also on the expensive side) and call it a day.
For now, I'll be visiting a real massage therapist for some much-needed muscle relief.
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