The problem is that we are not just dealing with "escort agencies" and "cops". We are dealing with MP's and bylaws officers ( a very different creature, figuratively speaking ) There is no point in my reiterating what has already been said.
PS I still care about massageplanet.net, but then again I'm not exactly a "regular" MP guy ...
Yes, review boards are meant for reviews, but if they contribute to the eventual loss of a spas license, then there would be no MPA's at said spa to review.
I agree that ultimately reviews should only be monitored. The problem is that they cannot be monitored 24 hrs a day and by nipping the problem in the bud, it lessens the chance of reviews being posted that are not suitable.
But, if it is widely known as to what the guidelines are within each region, that in itself should be a deterrent in posting reviews that imply extras. I think we have reached that point if people take the time to read, understand the reasoning and agree. ( Ironically, it is those who oppose or do not [ refuse to ] understand the "censorship" that, in fact, contribute to it's necessity). If that's the case and people agree, IMO It's possible that reviews could be posted and monitored. ( but wtf do I know )
So, instead of protesting, maybe if everyone agreed to concede to the requests of their favourite spa ( I assume you like the place if you want to be able to review and talk abt it ), then reviews and posts could be posted and everyone would be happy. I love happy endings ... ( who am I kidding - some people would be happy )