I do not like when men rate women on a scale of 1 to 10. The women are not Commodity, not live stock or Stocks. How would you like escorts rating you from 1 to 10.
A review is a review. Most of you, escorts would walk by you without a second glance and some of you take maybe 5 to 10 minutes to cum. Some of you think that YOU ARE GOD GIFT TO WOMEN, I think you should look at yourself in the mirror.
I do not think you would enjoy women rating your looks, your Daty or your sexual experience. I know most would fail. Ok a Rant but a good point.
A review is a review. Most of you, escorts would walk by you without a second glance and some of you take maybe 5 to 10 minutes to cum. Some of you think that YOU ARE GOD GIFT TO WOMEN, I think you should look at yourself in the mirror.
I do not think you would enjoy women rating your looks, your Daty or your sexual experience. I know most would fail. Ok a Rant but a good point.