Hi, not sure where you are getting your info from, but when giving a body massage, oil must ALWAYS be used.
Using Massage oil decreases the friction of a therapist's hands rubbing the skin. Friction is even greater in hairy areas. Therefore, oil it makes the massage strokes so much easier to manipulate. A hairier body might need more oil to keep from pulling the hair and creating discomfort, but any half decent therapist knows that you must never skip using oil of some form just because the client is a bit more hairy than normal.
Massage oil, used to enable the massage of muscles without exposing the skin to a lot of friction, it s soothing, and because of its gentle nature, has a sensual way of relieving muscles even when they feel so tired.
There are various types of massage oils available and it is your responsibility to find the best massage oil for your individual clients needs.
I generally stick to unscented oils.
Base oils are vegetable oils that are neutral -- scentless and non-reactive in general. The 'seed' oils are the most popular: apricot kernel oil, grapeseed oil and so on.
Please, please do not pay any attention to these people who say not to use oil, as they are a very unprofessional and misinformed group of people.
Check out this link:
I found it had a lot of useful information on all types of massage techniques.
Hope this helps!