Hello Lizzi
When a couple if preparing to conceive there are lots of things that can be done to try and ensure both individuals are healthy and feel prepared. Diet, lifestyle, stress reduction, things like smoking and drinking, supplements eg folic acid, and relaxation are good places to start. It is estimated that it's good to allow a preparation period of 3-4 months before trying to conceive, during which you try to create as healthy an environment as possible. Reflexology has it place in this plan too. It can help to reduce stress in both partners, balance the body and mind, rebalance the endocrine system which is responsible for the production of hormones in the body, and generally 'fine tune' you throughout. One reflexology treatment in isolation may not do a lot, but if you consult a reflexologist they will make a plan of action with you. Try www.aor.org.uk or www.scottishreflexology.org for the name of a practitioner in your area, and good luck to you.