Woohoo! The school is going to let us...
I hope so too. It is going to be awkward, no matter what. And I *really* hope that no pre-paid or gift certificate holders respond to the email. We cannot afford to give away time right now. Now, I know that most of our gc's are technically already pre-paid, and so are our current series holders; however, we are in dire need of CASH and it is going to COST us $20 per person to do this. Yet I don't think it ethical to turn them away due to this fact? Would it be ethical to say "cash customers only during this time, please"? I didn't know how to go through and pick out series- and gc- holders from the email list (at least not without a HUGE outlay of time).
Hopefully, those folks will either "get it" already, or won't respond right now. I suppose I could "not have time available" for them (but I always feel bad about that, even though there's no way for them to know b/c we're not doing this scheduling online). What would y'all do?