You make many good points, some of which I hadn't considered.
Since they are building to suit, the room can be whatever size it needs to be, and location is important, too, as far as the quiet factor, which I did mention when I initially spoke with the manager. I had not considered that it should be somewhat visible, however - I would have thought a quiet corner someplace.
I once worked in a spa and it was a nighmare as far as scheduling appointments. Since there were a number of receptionists working shifts, there always seemed to be a mixup in scheduling. I definitely would want clients to call me directly.
As far as furnishing the room, that would really depend on whether I would be an employee or an IC, and that hasn't been determined. So I don't know how to approach a proposal - probably from both perspectives I guess.
I would like to ease into this arrangement and work as an IC for a period of 3 months doing a split to see how well this works. This would dictate how much or little time they will require. If it's more than I can commit to, then other therapists should be hired, and I am willing to coordinate this.
Amy and Zoe, thanks for your thoughts.