1) WHITE WOMEN ( Individuals, often of the "Dirtwater Fox" variety; often skank Blonds, LOCATION; Found in Florida, Las Vegas, and some sightings in Southern California, C A U T I O N : DO NOT APPROCH ; UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES-
2) BLACKS: The previous leader, and a very close second !
3) LATINAS; Slight Musky, Musty aroma not too bad. Could be related to diet, and spending a lot of time inside Churches...
4) ASIAN: Split Tail Beaver; Like Seafood should have NO Aroma, if you can smell fish- its no good...good work here Girls.
* Lets be the First to encourage the Girls to keep higher standards here. I Encourage an occasional Trim of the V-Beard,,, I Do Not like the Fertile Delta to be Shaved!!!
1) WHITE WOMEN ( Individuals, often of the "Dirtwater Fox" variety; often skank Blonds, LOCATION; Found in Florida, Las Vegas, and some sightings in Southern California, C A U T I O N : DO NOT APPROCH ; UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES-
2) BLACKS: The previous leader, and a very close second !
3) LATINAS; Slight Musky, Musty aroma not too bad. Could be related to diet, and spending a lot of time inside Churches...
4) ASIAN: Split Tail Beaver; Like Seafood should have NO Aroma, if you can smell fish- its no good...good work here Girls.
* Lets be the First to encourage the Girls to keep higher standards here. I Encourage an occasional Trim of the V-Beard,,, I Do Not like the Fertile Delta to be Shaved!!!